
Thursday 14 April 2011

Too bad the things that make you mad are my favourite things...

Taking a cue from Stevo, who took a cue from Mini (both friends of mine who write much better blogs, here and here respectively) I'm titling this blog post with a song lyric. The song is Favourite Things by Incubus, I'll put it at the end.

Movie of the moment is Saving Private Ryan. Not gotten too far with it though. I keep trying to multi-task and it's one of those films that requires your full attention. I've also got two films I need to watch for my essay, should probably pop those in sooner rather than later...

This post's title is only really apt because I decided to write this blog around the theme of things (if you can even call that a theme)
Thing 1. Wikipedia is dangerous.
Thing 2...

OK, let's start with the first thing in the hope that I remember the other things I was going to write about.
As I'm sure it is for many, Wikipedia is my go-to source of information. Often this means that if I want to find out stuff about a television series, book or film then I search for it on the online encyclopaedia. In the past, this has led to many a spoiler that cannot be unseen. I've never learnt my lessons, and have to end up perusing the pages with an exceedingly cautious air. I can't be alone in this. If you want to remain oblivious to plot twists or unknown story elements, then the internet is not a good place to dwell, with wikipedia being one of the most deceptively deadly sites of them all...

The worst part is, the solution is so simple. No, I'm not going to stop using wikipedia and find another less spoilerific source - don't be ridiculous. All wikipedia needs is a button that says 'HERE BE SPOILERS - NE TOUCHE PAS' (that last bit doesn't have to be in French of course) which hides spoiler-y bits from those who wish not to be spoiled. Hell, I'd pay the creepy guy in those wikipedia banners for that. Also I'd pay him to go away because he haunts my dreams - but that's another blog altogether. Don't worry though, you'll never see a post entitled 'When Jimmy Wales stares a kitten dies.'

In other news, I'm on holiday. That means I can do fun things like go to Kapow! Comic Con. I won't blather on, as I'm sure my friend Harry has got a much better blog detailing it's happenings in the works. Here's the important bits though
- If you want a comic book signed, don't rely on the artist being on time.
- If you want to see awesome stuff, be prepared to queue lots.
- Also be prepared for disorganisation on the part of those who should be most prepared concerning said queues for awesomnity.

We saw exclusive clips from Thor, which I'm majorly excited for now. Even more so than Captain America, and that's saying something. We also got to see Super, which has only had a handful of showings over here (if any at all). It was dark comedy at it's best, even if overall the film had something of an identity crisis going on.

Non geek related updates in Joe's life include the success of both shows I was in, my return to brilliant bachelorhood and the joining of a band! I'm the lead singer, and I'm sure I'll shamelessly plug anything that comes of it here there and everywhere.

I remembered the second thing! There may have only been two things to begin with, in which case this 'theme' has most definitely failed. Anyhow.
I saw a film called Source Code the other day. The second film directed by David Bowie's son Duncan Jones, it is fantastic. Make sure you check it out. The ending has proved divisive amongst some people though. I personally loved it and don't see where the problem is. The one issue I do have with the movie is this. If you've seen it or are planning to - have this question in mind.

When will the protagonists actually go get some coffee instead of it just being spilt on Jake Gyllenhaal's foot?!

And that folks, is all for this post

Enjoy Incubus' Favourite Things.